Meet Mark
You speak, I critique, to help you peak
Mark Tannen
When I was 5 years old my teacher asked me to do "Show and Tell" in front of the class. I was so terrified that I made myself physically sick before the talk. I soon learned that this would become the routine for my school, university and early work years. I have years of school reports with comments like:
"Mark is extremely shy"
"Mark lack confidence and needs to speak up"
"Mark needs to learn how to sell himself"
I have lived and understand the anxiety behind Public Speaking. I have lived the sleepless nights, the coughing, toilet visits and throat clearing and more.
It doesn't have to be this way and you don't need to eliminate your fears. In fact you should not!!!
I have not eliminated my fears of Public Speaking but with years of practice I have managed it and learned how to use it my advantage. In August, 2020 I represented Australia and my Region at the World Championship of Public Speaking. I have conducted Real Estate Auction, Charity Auctions and hosted events speaking in front of audiences as large at 500 people.
Now - I want to show you how. I will share with you the tips, tricks and techniques I have learned to help you "Engage on Stage". You will learn not how to eliminate but to manage your Public Speaking fears so that you can speak with confidence and clarity.
To get started it is simple - "You speak, I critique, You peak" and along the way I will share with you techniques I have used to turn my anxiety into a superpower!